Friday, March 16, 2012

Do You Have the Power?

Thursday:  ChaLEAN Extreme Burn Circuit 3 (oh yah-I felt it)
                 Jogging-5 MPH: 30 minutes

Friday:  Turbo Fire 30

Bet you thought I forgot.

I didn't.  Put the kid to bed last night and "POOF"-fell asleep myself, for a much needed nights sleep, on the couch.  Not the best place to lay at close to the kitchen on my way to bed. And its always for the sweets! So here in lies my next much will power do you have?

Some days-I'm all about the will power.  Unfortunately, some days, I am not.  The mornings/early afternoon are the best for me.  I can power past the donuts and all the sweets that they may have sitting around the office.   Once I hit about 3:00-4:00 in the afternoon, it starts to dwindle.  Certainly don't like it....but it is something I really do need to learn to come to terms with, otherwise, all the hard work I put in to my work outs and the beginning of the day are truly for nothing.

The concept of weight loss is simple:  What you take in needs to be less than what you put out.

I hear time and time again that people who sleep more weigh less.  And while that statistic may be true, I live in the real world, where time is a precious thing.  I work 2 jobs, I am an online coach with Beachbody, (something I truly believe in by the way) and I am a full time single mom.  If I tried to get the recommended 8 hours, there is a lot that won't get done in my life and in my home.

So, back to the initial problem, how do you fight the late night cravings?

Here are things I am willing to give a try (and I need to throw thanks to my friends that have helped with these-you know who you are.)
1.  A bowl of oatmeal
2.  Lots of Water
3.  Bowl of Multigrain Cheerios (the Peanut Butter are my new fave)
4.  Greek Yogurt-with some honey or agave and cinnamon
5.  A small dish of fruit
6.  Small portion of pretzels and Nutella (oh yum!!)
7.  Hot tea (Love a good peppermint or chamomile)
8. Frozen Bananas Slices (you'd be surprised how good that can be-and you can use them in a smoothie)
9.  A smoothie (low cal of course)

I also keep telling myself that perhaps a little late night yoga would be helpful in curbing those thoughts of snacking.  It's always high on the list until I get home and finally have that quiet time to relax and do nothing for a few minutes.

So-to all of you out there with the same problem, I would love to hear what you do.  And in the mean time-thanks for keeping me accountable.   This is something I am sure that  I get back on when I can finally win that will power battle.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What's Your Excuse?

Blah Blah Blah.

We all have our excuses as to why we don't follow through.  The one I like to use the most is that "I don't have the time."  I can legitimize that one in so many ways.  I have 2 jobs.  I work long hours.  I am a single mother.  I have to much other stuff going on.

While those are all true, the things that I have chosen to let consume my life, and give me the excuses that I use, are all about other people or things.  Granted, as a single mom, my family is and should be my number one priority.  The others, however, shouldn't be what I put before myself.  When did I stop becoming so important to me.  If I fall apart, everything I work so hard to do everyday will fall apart to.  Plain and simple, right?  But most of us fail to follow through with what we want to do.  It truly is a sad thing.

When did we stop being important to ourselves?

I saw something posted on Facebook yesterday.  A one hour workout is 4% of our day.  What is so hard about taking that little bit of time in order to become a healthier person?  Puts it into perspective.  I know that I have started on a change in my life-but I still am working to hurdle over the excuses stage, primarily in the morning when I can't drag my tired butt out of bed.

So-here I put forth this afternoon-

1.  I will  get up and work out every morning.  I won't be the one to use the excuse-I was to tired.

2.  I will blog about it to keep myself accountable.

This is the start to my accountability. Now, whats yours?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week 1 My Beachbody Challenge

Well, here we are at the end of week 1.  And it's been a hectic week.  I did start it Tuesday morning as promised.  I have chosen to incoporate the ChaLEAN Extreme with the Turbo Fire.  This body can feel it for sure.  I have also started drinking Shakeology every day.  I love it.  I love the fact that it tastes great, how can you beat chocolate.  I also love the fact that I don't have to take my daily vitamin, and with all the minerals and extra goodies in it, it really is the best thing you could put in your body all day.

I chose to be part of the company because I want to be able to help end the trend of obesity in this world.  I fought with my weight since I was a child.  It was tough growing up that.  The older I got, the more weight I would put on.  I moved out and lived on my own, and it got worse.  I remember as a child being criticized about my weight by family members.  As a kid, it doesn't help you.  I was never taught how to eat healthy.  Not that it was intentional, but I was never taught to eat more veggies, go easy on the butter, and all the other good stuff.  When I was about 15-16 my parents had me join one of those diet places where all the food is prepackaged and you go in every week for a weigh in and some one talks to you.  Their heart was in the right place, and I actually did lose some weight, but as soon as I was off of it, I gained the weight back, and then some.  A diet like that, while convenient, does not teach you how to eat.

After that, my weight kept going up and up and up.  I know I topped somewhere around 240.  Could have been more, I wasn't to fond of the scale at the time, so not really sure where I started.  That has since changed and I took control.  I have lost 100 pounds on my own, and recently just found Beachbody and fell in love with the concept.  They want to help people lose weight and keep it off.  And they want to pass it on and on and on.

I am proud to be part of that now.  If I can pass it on to someone and they can be successful like I was, and will continue to be as I lose the last 30 pounds I have been struggling with, then I have done my part.  I want to give this to everyone.  So, if you think its time and you are ready to make that change, please, check out my Beachbody site, take me up on a challenge, and take control of your life.

Here's to being fit for the rest of ouri lives!!