Sunday, November 20, 2011

Here's to my running adventures.   I never thought I would enjoy running as much as I do.  I live in a small town in southern Arizona.  I don't have a ton of trails or places to go running.  I have a very active 6 year old and work 2 jobs, so my time is also limited.  It makes this running thing all that more interesting.

I wake early on Saturdays to get in my long runs.  I love the clarity that I get when I am out by myself running.  My thoughts are free, the air filling my lungs, gives me such an emotional release.
I am currently training to participate in my first half marathon in January, PF Chang's Rock n Roll series to be exact.  There are about  another 7 weeks left in my training, so I am learning new things as I go here.  I am super excited, as well as nervous.  It's my first long distance run, with a great party at the end.

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